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Paint industry, as well as other industries is evolving.
Target markets and customers are also taking steps to grow. Our competitors – paint manufacturers – are also no exception to the rule. Now and according to the current situation, Bajak Company, with its reputation and long history, has no other way except comprehensive growth and development. And in order to achieve our long-term goals we should not forget, even for a moment, to become more up to date each day.
The development of products and industrial coatings, of course, requires more specialized skills and therefore the importance of technical service unit of paint company in the professional painting process is highlighted. Every year, dozens of painting projects in the country due to inappropriate actions and failure to comply with the technical aspect of each product, make a big loss. Apart from the financial losses, it causes rework and delays in the project or its operation. While in some cases that the errors will be identified after installation, repairing is impossible.